
Welcome to the official web site for the The Wynnmere West Community Development District (CDD). This site is funded on behalf of the Community Development District in an effort to help educate the general public about the services provided by the District and to highlight the other agencies involved in the day-to-day Operations of the community. These agencies include but are not limited to Hillsborough County and the Homeowners’ Association.

The Wynnmere West Community Development District (“District”) is an independent special district, created pursuant to and existing under the provisions of Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, and established by the Board of County Commissioners of Hillsborough County’s approval of Ordinance No. 14-21, on August 12, 2014. The District originally included within its boundaries approximately 55 acres. On March 24, 2015, the Board of County Commissioners of Hillsborough County’s approved Ordinance No. 15-5, expanding the District by approximately 74.68 acres. The District thus includes within its boundaries approximately 130 acres.

Fence Repair Update

The CDD fence is scheduled to be repaired on January 9th and 10th.

The Wynnmere West Community Development District Disclosure

Please be advised that the The Wynnmere West Community Development District  (the “District”), a local unit of special purpose government created under Florida law, has constructed and is responsible for the maintenance of certain improvements, infrastructure and facilities within the District. The District financed this construction through the sale of tax-exempt bonds, a form of public financing. As a result, and in accordance with applicable federal and state law, all District owned improvements, infrastructure and facilities are and shall remain open and accessible to the general public. Should you have any questions on this matter, non-resident user fees applicable to District recreational facilities, or any other general District issue, please feel free to contact the District Manager.


We hope everyone is safe and well from hurricane Milton. Our biggest priority firsthand was getting the amenity center open and running for resident use, hazardous trees off of roadways, and making sure the district was operational. Our next steps in this process are assessing damages, repairs, supply ordering, etc. We are working closely with the district vendors on Hurricane cleanup and getting the community back up to standards.

There are numerous CDD fencing panels down throughout the community. We have contacted various vendors to assess the damage and schedule the repair and replacement. The biggest issues are the supply levels and scheduling. The consensus from the vendors is 8 to 12 weeks for resupply and scheduling in March. We will continue to work on alternative options and vendors to try and speed up this process. We ask for your patience through this process given it’s going to take time to recover and if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to (813) 344-4844.  

Wynnmere West CDD Board of Supervisor's Meeting Zoom Login Information

Zoom Meeting Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/4349046526
Meeting ID: 434 904 6526
Passcode: YZ7mxp
Call In Number: 305-224-1968
Call In Passcode: 696753471

Amenity Center Hours of Operation

The Wynnmere West CDD pool is open to residents of the community from sunrise to sunset. Residents can access the pool area during these hours with their access card. To obtain access to the amenity center please fill out the Amenity Registration Form.